Monday 21 May 2007

Do we settle for far too little?

Our passions are not too strong, they are too weak. We are far too easily pleased.<
C.S. Lewis

Are we quite happy to just live? Work, play, rest. Or even go to church, go to bible studies, go to prayer meetings - and still settle for far too little.

I know I am, quite happy to trundle along - work, rest, play, church. I settle for second, third, fourth ... best. I doubt it can be considered best at all.

Maybe it's just me, but I think that some Christians do settle for far too little. Loving Christ is not, or at least should not be merely a duty. It is truly living, living at its finest. A Life lived without God is meaningless. A Life lived effectively without God a lot of the time, is empty in that time.

I need to be more vigorous, more steadfast in reading his word, and filling my mind with things above, and not things of this earth. I want to be more in love with him, more amazed by his wonderful grace, more in awe at his power, more struck by his beauty. Please my brothers and sisters in Christ who read this encourage me to do this, as I want to you.

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