Monday 30 April 2007

The Reason Why.

The reason why the name of this blog should be explained enough by the sub-title, its a verse from a letter which a guy called Paul wrote to some Christians in a place called Corinth, almost 2,000 years ago. Corinth was probably not so very different from your average European city today - being great in other people's eyes was very important. Power, knowledge and wealth were the things that mattered, the things that made people listen. But Paul spoke about an amazing God who did not choose the powerful people, the smart people, the rich people - he chose the poor, the foolish, the weak. In fact the most important part of Paul's message was seen as complete foolishness by most of the people living in Corinth. That the almighty God would become a man, and die a horrible death, taking the punishment we deserve so that we could live.

I want to explore some of these things in this blog, the poor, the foolish, the weak things. And how God uses them for his glory. I may tangent, I may talk about some of the overtly lovely things too. I am so so so glad that God uses the weak things, God is using the weak things in Sharrow, Sheffield, the UK, Europe, the World.

Another reason for this blog is that I could not remember my password for my old blog (Heart of Flesh), also I have got married so my name is changed, and I haven't blogged for a long time (around a year). Also I think its good for me to write down thoughts, spend time thinking and contemplating as I have not done that so much this year.

So that's the reason why.

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