Friday 20 February 2009


This past week has been full of ups and downs with our church relationships.
We had a great party a week ago for K., who's recently arrived in the UK, and barely speaks any English. It was a fun time getting to know him and his wife better, playing Jenga and Pass the Parcel (thanks Lorna!).

But on the other hand the gospel has offended a guy who has been coming to our church meetings for a good few months. Although we want people to feel part of a loving, caring, God-centred community - what defines us as a community is the centrality of the gospel in our lives, and so people who don't know him can't be a part of our community in its fullest sense.

Also a lady we've been getting to know for about a year seems to be getting ready to leave Loughborough. This is really sad as the relationship seemed to be really developing especially between her and the women in our church. Its also sad because in moving to a bigger city it is probable that she will be sucked into the Pakistani community there.

But it reminded me of a favourite Crowded House saying 'WTGM' or Welcome to Gospel Ministry. Its hard work, its often not fun, its unpredictable, disillusioning and sad. But this is gospel ministry, done for God, not ourselves. He is in control, he works in people's hearts and we just need to trust him with what he's doing.

Whenever God's work seems like hard work, relationships are difficult or even seem to crumble because of the gospel - Welcome to Gospel Ministry!

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