Thursday 3 July 2008


Lovely country, facinating, full of culture, history and gelato! The latter is by far the best aspect. Good trip, but an exhausting one, 36C and rushing around from Museum, to Gallery to Monument.

Some really sad things: the long long history there of first complete rejection of the gospel, then its manipulation into a "religion" adding things to the infallible word of God. Mary portrayed in art, as much as, or even more than Jesus. The "enthroning of Mary" being a popular theme. So sad that millions have been led by lies as to her authority - the bible gives her none.
When Jesus is portrayed it is majorly him on the cross - the dispair is all there, but no sense of what was being accomplished - the forgiveness of sins. It must anger God greatly to see his Word so manipulated, and twisted. It angers me that millions have been led in lies, and are being led in lies. Open God's word - read what he says. Discover the awesomeness of our creator, the wonder of his plan of redemption, the graceful use of broken, sinful people to be his church - his picture to the world.

Be amazed at the truth, and shun the lies.

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